Changing Dashes to Degrees Symbol in Civil 3D Reports Output

Your report displays a bearing as S 14-42-4.233 W
You want to change the format to S 14° 42′ 04″ W

Original Bearing Format with Dashes
Original Bearing Format with Dashes
Corrected Bearing Format
Corrected Bearing Format

To correct the bearing format make changes to this file
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2017\enu\Data\Reports\xsl\General_Formating_JScript.xsl

Edited Line 216 to correct formatting of
function formatAngleToDMS(angle)

Change this on line 216
return degrees + “-” + minutes + “-” + seconds;
to this
return degrees + “° ” + minutes + “‘ ” + seconds + “””;

The distance precision is set in the Report Settings as you would expect. The Report Settings has no control for angular precision. You want control over angular precision so continue editing General_Formatting_JScript.xls.  Line 16 controls the precision of the angle’s seconds.  A value of 2 means 100ths of a second will be displayed.

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