10 CEUs for Florida Surveyors and Mappers

A new course titled, “How to Draw a Residential Site Plan using AutoCAD” has been added…

Parcel Annotation

Here are some videos I assembled regarding Parcels in Civil 3D. Multiple Segment Labels for Parcels…

Adding Transparency to an Image using AutoCAD Map 2009

Using FDO in AutoCAD Map 2009 and above you can add transparency to an image. http://www.AdvSurveying.com/video/map/Map2009RasterTransparency.mp4…

Really Easy Parcel Annotation Using a Query in Map 3d

Just a quick reminder of a feature that has been available for a long time in…

Knowledge is expensive….until you compare it to a lack of knowledge

Feel free to quote me.


The NPR program Science Friday had a segment on the brain’s ability to multitask. The conclusion is…