10 CEUs for Florida Surveyors and Mappers

A new course titled, “How to Draw a Residential Site Plan using AutoCAD” has been added to CADCollege.org.

AutoCAD changes with each new release. For experienced CAD users you can update your CAD skills by taking this course. The course is designed so that people with no prior experience with AutoCAD can develop a skill set that employers can utilize.

The mission of CAD College is to develop new CAD talent with employable skills. For employers, it has been hard to find good CAD Techs. CAD College intends to help ease that void in the marketplace. As a surveyor or a business owner you may consider it advantageous to encourage people you work with to start learning AutoCAD.

Advanced CAD Technology, LLC is a Continuing Education Provider for Florida Surveyors and Mappers (CE14).